Thursday, April 24, 2008

There ARE Nice People Out There!!

There are nice people out there! I met one of them today.

The only thing left to do for my reconstruction is areola tattooing...yes, that's right! I have thought about it, called people about it, even went to an appointment about it, and then, did nothing about it! I'm not entirely sure about why I've been putting it off. I want to do it. I guess I am just literally, sick and tired of all the medical appointments that run my,...since this one isn't a necessity, it's been on the back-burner.

About a month ago, I thought I'd take the plunge. My insurance group would not allow me to go to the person whom my surgeon suggested (of course), so they gave me the name of a doctor (a plastic surgeon) who is local. I made my appointment. I was proud of myself for taking this step.

When my appointment day came, I found myself sitting in a strange, dirty, little office waiting to see the doctor. As I filled out the 20 pages of information about myself, I came upon the "arbitration" waiver as I always do each time I see a new physician. I never sign these...never have. Not even when going in to Cedars-Sinai for a full-blown mastectomy/reconstruction surgery. So...
I didn't sign this one for nipple tattooing...yes, that's right! When I handed the reception gal the clipboard, she immediately went to the arbitration sheet and said, "Oh, you didn't sign this you go." I told her I don't sign those, never have. She went on to tell me that the doctor will not see any patient without it being signed. I gave her a dumb-founded look. Really? Won't even talk with me? No. I said I don't like signing my rights away. She told me that it's not really signing my rights away, it just serves to protect each party involved. Then I read a part of it out loud (loud enough so the other patient in the waiting room could hear it, too!) "By signing this agreement, both parties give up their right to a trial by jury."

I walked out. I had to. I haven't gotten this far on this journey to have something go wrong with a procedure and not have a constitutional right to support me.

...back to the nice person I met today...

After having a lovely visit with my gynecologist on Monday, I asked him for advice of where to go for areola tattooing...yes, that's right! He told me of a local facility and gave me the number. I called the next day. (Can't believe it!) And went for a consult today.

I knew my insurance would surely not pay this, but the consult was free so I thought I'd go check it out. After talking with the nurse practitioner who would be performing the procedure, she asked about my insurance and before I could tell her what I really think about them, she said they probably won't pay for it. In the next breath, she said "I do this as a complimentary service." Huh? I just sat there. "As in, free?" I asked. "Yes."

I must have looked more than stunned. She told me about her mother having had breast cancer. She teared up and said, "what else can I do?" Her mother is a survivor and this is her gift back to the community.! Do you ever feel divine guidance in your life?...I do! Thank you, Lord! And did I tell you that this facility was gorgeous and clean?! I was even handed a tasty vanilla cappuccino-to-go!

See you back on June 2nd for my nipple tattooing appointment...yes, that's right!
You see what I mean?...There are nice people out there!

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